Wednesday, January 30, 2008

it's my first post from home

here are some more pics from my journey that ended jan 26. thanks again to all that olayed a part. some say that i should keep posting? we'll see how it works. the real question is should i or not? Enjoy

later bash <><

i cant believe how big Blanka is getting.
the 100 degree green house. good job neaner.
hey its chico's
hey its the chica's

Candi my little Amiga.
he look close it's Daisy the harley dog.
now that's a spider. i think thats a 3" water line.
my 2 favorite chica's, Candi y jenna

diego, my favorite amigo!


Anonymous said...

And hopefully it will not be your last post from home. Keep up the good work Bash, and come back anytime.

Anonymous said...

oh my...that spider is huge!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Blanca could walk sidewards. Keep up the blog.


Anonymous said...

(sidewards) must be a Denver thing? and Blanca can do alot of amazing
things! this is just one of many.

Anonymous said...

Keep blogging Bash... it makes us all happy... ;)

Anonymous said...

Bruce, How's it going. Onion Lady, the girl who didn't want her picture taken, and Amber say hi. They say they miss you. Also it looks like you will have to came to Cissna in the near future as Amber has turned her life to Jesus and Hopefully some day will be taken up. Well hope your life is going good.

Your Friends at Cissna Park

Anonymous said...


thats great news about amber!keep me posted about that and others. thngs here are good also. im hoping to keep the blog going and if you would like to email me its bash412002@yahoo

later bash <><

Anonymous said...

Are you dead?

Anonymous said...

nope, still kicking