Thursday, January 24, 2008

More pics of the staff and cissna park group

more pics to enjoy. my time is growing short. But it has been a Great trip!!

bash <>< Seth explaining to jo-el that its this cord. He know's, He's the preacher! limon and jose are just saying plug it in.
A Kiss from the other side of the glass. I love you candi

the end of another great day!!!
good food, great friends, it dont get any better than this.

Jose, what a brother to have.
Jenna, she's aways make's me laugh. and that steffen /smile LJ would be very Happy
Nora, keeping our bellies full.
Morgan Walder and Katie Walder trying to stay out of the pics? i told you.
the nite out to eat.


Anonymous said...

Oh I love the picture of Candi! and I appreciate seeing the others too, especially my smiling Jen M're.

Bash, I'm going to miss your blog when you leave CVE.

love you,

Anonymous said...

What a treat and blessing your pictures and commentary have been Hefe Bruce. Why, you're almost as good as Barbierie!! From your vantage point, you've captured and conveyed the flavor of CVE very well.

Vaya con Dios hermano y amigo,

jr(Cissna Park - '61)&
jgr (Lancaster -'63)