Sunday, February 24, 2008

John y Amy Gerst

What a day to remember! it all started this am it was a little foggy. Boy did it turn into a beautiful day. as some of you all know Bill got to talk a little and it was in Spanish. had a little reading and talked about the children at CVE. the video at the end is especially for you at CVE. just to see HOW HAPPY were when they walked out.
Because from what i was told John y Amy didn't know Bill was going to talk. but don't hold me to that. you will just have to ask them. but it was very special and i thought you guys would like to see there happy face's as they walked out. more to come.

enjoy bash <><

aren't they cute

Gloria helping with the punch

getting ready to go

Kyle Gerber y Mark Maller whipping up the punch some of there plate settings
Before the people arrived
Katie's turn to help with the punch
John y Amy meeting y greeting

Mom fusing over flower's
busy in the kitchen
Regan eating all the profits
Mom and jefi going over details

This one is for you at CVE


Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias, Bash! Thanks for the glimpse of what appears to have been an awesome weekend... ;)

leah said...

oh are my hero. nice work.

Anonymous said...

Bash, Great job with the Video. Amy's look of disbelief at the end is priceless!